Monday, March 28

SORRY,but you're not my friend anymore!!

i have all these "friendship" questions in my head:

1. what a friend are for??
2. what is the true meaning of friendship??
3. What would your life be like without your friends??

for me, it called a friendship when u feel comfort and safety with a person. when u can do anything u want beside your friend..when u feel respected by your friend..

RESPECT--> this is one very important thing in frienship! and when a sense of respect has gone,SORRY no more frienship!

this just happened with me in this beatiful evening, one of my best friend send a short message. he writes something that really makes me angry.there was no slightest sense of respect in his message.

and finally from my deepest heart,, so sorry, i must say that i dont want to know u anymore dude! :)

my CANTIK BOUTIQUE is back!!

aaw..seneenngg bgt!we're back..we're back... :) setelah hampir vacum 6blnan akhirnya aku bs jualan lagii..yeaayyy!! beneran deh aku excited bgttt, kaya menemukan jiwa ku kembali lagi..ciyeee..hahaha.. :)) tp beneran deh, aku sm cantik boutique udh kaya SOULMATE sehidup semati...hihi lebay yah.. :D

aku kangen bgt sama semua prosesnya...dr mulai belanja milih2 bajunya, checking semua satu2 (klo ada yg aku suka,,tetepp aku ambil dan gak ku jual,,,hihhi), foto2, editing, smp upload ke online shop nya cantik...BENERAN NYENENGIN BGT!!!

walaupun, kali ini gak sehebat dulu juga ngeditnya.yg dlm sehari bs smp 30 baju..hihi..kali ini ngerjain 2 baju aja pinggang udh mulai sakit2 :D mohon maklum, ada si kecil di perutku soalnya,,hehehe..jd semua serba mudah2an gak mengurangi "rasa" dr koleksi cantik boutique seperti yg sblm2nya :) amiiin...